Elevate every aspect of Your Life

Through Transforming Your Attachment Patterns With Our Proven UpRoot Workbook! 

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About The 3 Part E-Workbook

  • Explore Emotional Patterns: Delve into the complexities of your emotional makeup with “Blueprint of Bonds,” uncovering the nuances of your unique attachment style.
  • Understand Foundational Bonds: Investigate how pivotal relationships and life moments have intricately shaped your way of connecting with others.
  • Reshape Your Narrative: Arm yourself with the tools needed to rewrite your life story, fostering deeper connections and a more solid sense of self.
  • Deep Introspection: Merge the latest research with profound self-examination to navigate and improve your network of personal relationships.
  • Empowerment to Transform: Equip yourself to master and refine the relational blueprint that guides your interactions, paving the way for a more authentic connection with the world around you.
  • Deep Self-Discovery: Begin a journey into self-exploration with “Origins of Liberation,” focusing on unraveling and overcoming ingrained patterns from early relationships, especially with parents.
  • Confront the Past: Courageously dive into your history to identify and release traits inherited from past generations that no longer serve you.
  • Craft a New Identity: Use powerful self-affirmations to sculpt an identity that truly reflects who you are, free from past constraints.
  • Break Free from Limitations: Identify and address maladaptive coping mechanisms to clear the path for a brighter, more self-aware future.
  • Empower Your Future: Gain not just insights but the tools needed for building a future that aligns with your true self, beyond inherited narratives and expectations.
  • Unlock Narrative Power: Engage with “Narrative Empowerment” to refine your life’s narrative for profound impact.
  • Reinterpret Life Stories: Use this module as a guide to navigate through and clarify your life’s journey, turning experiences into a cohesive and purposeful narrative.
  • Deep Self-Reflection: Dive into introspection to identify recurring patterns, embrace gratitude, and view your past through an empowering lens.
  • Balance and Self-Compassion: Reshape your narrative with a focus on equilibrium and kindness towards oneself, fostering resilience and growth.
  • Unlock Resilience and Growth: Transform your narrative from a collection of memories to a guiding light, paving the way for a future filled with resilience, personal growth, and fulfillment.
  • Intentional Living: Redefine your story as a beacon that illuminates the path to a life lived with intention and vibrancy.

“Our dreams and stories may contain implicit aspects of our lives even without our awareness.

This may be one reason why journal writing and intimate communication with others, which are so often narrative processes, have such powerful organizing effects on the mind.

They allow us to modulate our emotions and make sense of the world.”


What’s inside


Childhood and Adult Attachment

Learn about childhood and adult attachment and how it affects how you see the world and relationships today. Determine which attachment relationship you have. It may be a combination of more than one.


Creating Resources

You will be guided through an activity to create your resource list. Somatic resources are anything that makes us feel good, safe and secure and communicate safety to our nervous system. They help calm our whole body and mind to provide relief when experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, sensations and emotions and feeling overwhelmed.


Making Connections

You will be asked a series of questions that will help you determine what from your childhood has followed you into your behaviors, triggers , and relationships today. Making these connections is a scientific process called neural integration.


Cognitive Reframing

An evidence based self-validation method with positive self-affirmations strategically created for each section to change you limiting belief system and hardwire inner-confidence into the neural networks of your brain


Coherent Narrative

You will learn the process of writing a coherent narrative, which through this process you can make sense of your life, indentifty the unique strengths you’ve gained throughout your life journey for an empowered present and future life.



The workbook process creates a level of self-understanding and self-awareness that give you the ability to heal and and help you recognize your triggers and help someone go from insecure attachment to secure attachment.